Summary of Common Causes of Damage to High-pressure Rubber Tubings

Summary of Common Causes of Damage to High-pressure Rubber Tubings

Ⅰ. Common causes of damage to high-pressure rubber tubings

1. The outer mesh of the steel wire is pulled off and cannot accept the pressure, thus ending the service life of the high-pressure rubber tubing early. Because the inner bellows, the receiving at both ends and the outer steel mesh need to be welded together at the same time, the normal use of the hose can be ensured. In order to prevent this phenomenon, the product must undergo an air-tight water pressure test before leaving the factory, and can only be used after being qualified.

2. There is open welding in the gap of the internal bellows, which will also damage the high-pressure rubber tubing. This is a damage phenomenon caused by the careless skill of the welder. Because the weld is not strong and dense, the weld is stretched under the operating pressure of the flexible medium of the hose, causing the hose to leak.

Ⅱ. How to ensure the safety of high-pressure rubber tubings?

Although the high-pressure rubber tubing has a multi-layer structure, we still need to pay more attention to it in use, so as not to damage the hose due to negligence. During the loading and unloading process of high-pressure rubber tubings, light loading and unloading should be done. If the product needs to be temporarily parked in the open air for some reason, the site must be level, the hose must be placed neatly and flat, and the cover should be placed under the cover, and no heavy objects should be piled; at the same time, the high-pressure rubber pipe should not be in contact with the heat source.

Then this is very important. It is strictly forbidden to mix high-pressure rubber tubings with acids, alkalis, oils, organic solvents, and flammable and explosive materials; high-pressure rubber tubings should not be in direct contact with goods with sharp edges.

Hose Fittings