Cleaning and Storage of Rubber Hose Tubing

Cleaning and Storage of Rubber Hose Tubing

Use the rubber hose tubing as instructed

Each rubber hose pip is manufactured for a specific purpose. It is designed for a certain flow rate and pressure gradient. Exceeding the rated specifications of the hose may cause it to burst or erupt. The main determinant of maintaining appropriate levels of use is to understand the material used to manufacture the rubber hose. Different materials react differently to pressure, depending on the material's tensile strength and the maximum pressure the rubber hose tubings can withstand. Placing chemicals in watering hoses can weaken the tube and possibly cause leaching.

Cleaning the rubber hose tubing

The cleaning schedule for a rubber hose depends on its usage. For light use, the rubber hose can be cleaned every six months but must be checked at shorter intervals. The manufacturer provides instructions on how and when to clean the rubber hose. Before cleaning the rubber hose pip, check for leaks or cracks. These damages should be repaired before cleaning. The rubber hose should be washed with mild soap solution and warm water. All dirt, chemicals, and debris should be wiped off. To prevent cleaning substances from sticking to the pipe, rinse thoroughly. Dry with a soft towel. Do not let the rubber hose dry in the sun or through forced heating.

Storage of the rubber hose tubing

The storage location of a rubber hose may have a significant impact on its usefulness. Some factors that impact or damage the rubber hose tubings stored include temperature, ozone or UV conditions, and wear and tear.


There are two temperatures that affect the rubber hose material, one is the liquid temperature passing through the pipe and the other is indoor and outdoor temperature. If the temperature is too hot or too cold, the pipeline will lose its usefulness.

Ozone and UV: 

Sunlight and ozone levels can cause significant damage to rubber hoses, such as cracking or dry rot. Rubber hoses used outdoors should be thoroughly tested before use.

Wear and Tear:

If rubber hose pips are handled frequently or dragged over rough surfaces, they may be subject to erosion or mechanical wear. This can be prevented by using rubber hoses made of more durable materials.


Only rubber hose tubing designed for chemical contact can withstand chemical exposure. Rubber hose tubings that may come in contact with toxic substances should be rated for handling such contact.

Special Functionality: 

Rubber hose tubings come in a variety of sizes, configurations, ratings, and uses. The type of pipe material that is suitable for its application should be selected and has the correct durability and characteristics.

Hose Fittings