Installation of Gas Hoses

Installation of Gas Hoses

1. What are the installation methods of gas hoses?

After the selection of the pipe material is completed, it is necessary to enter the installation link of the pipe. What should be paid attention to in the selection of the pipe position?

Open pipe: This method of changing the gas hose is the most cost-effective, and generally does not move the meter, so it can be done for a few hundred yuan.

Concealed pipe: The price of the dark pipe is much higher than that of the open pipe, generally more than 1500 yuan. The longer the modified pipe, the more expensive it is. Of course, the effect is much better than that of the open pipe.

Concealed application: Concealed application means that the natural gas pipe goes directly to the wall with the exposed pipe, goes to the ceiling, penetrates through the ceiling, and then puts it down at the foot of the wall closest to the stove.

Among them, the exposed pipes will be wrapped with square grooves, whether they are buried or buried, they are all metal hoses.

2. New and old houses, gas hoses are changed in different ways

If your home is an old house, you must consider the layout of the pipeline when you change the pipeline, because many pipelines cannot be changed without permission to avoid frequent safety accidents.

The pipes of many old houses are set in the corners of the kitchen walls. It is recommended that professionals should be invited to re-layout and make professional changes. They cannot be changed at will. After the kitchen is renovated and renovated, explosion-proof systems and ventilation systems must be installed.

If the home is a new house, you must strictly follow the national regulations when arranging gas hoses, do not block the pipeline, and do not install the gas pipeline near flammable and explosive items.

3. The wiring of gas hose lines and other wires should be reasonable

After the location is selected, the most complicated wiring work will be carried out. If the wiring is unreasonable, it will be uncomfortable to look at the crisscrossed pipelines.

The state stipulates that gas pipelines must be clearly set up and must not be sealed. This is not only for ventilation, but also to reduce the probability of accidents. In addition to not sealing, the gas hose wiring should also follow the rules of "short rather than long" and "do not pass through the bedroom or living room". the big principle.

If you have to "cross" because of other home decoration layouts, please be sure to take protective measures. You can put another pipe sleeve outside the pipeline to give it a "double insurance".

4. Installation and arrangement of gas meter for gas hose

The last step is to install the meter. The gas meter in the kitchen should be placed in a ventilated position, so that even if there is air leakage, it can be dissipated in time.

It is also convenient to check the meter at any time. After the gas meter is reinstalled, it should be checked in time, and it can be put into use only after the pressure test and leak test are qualified.

The last point that needs to be paid attention to is: after the gas hose is changed, it cannot be ventilated immediately, and the water heater and stove must be installed before contacting the gas company for ventilation.

If the water heater or stove is more than 2 meters away from the gas head, it must also be connected with a metal hose. It is best to buy it from a natural gas company to facilitate ventilation.

Hose Fittings